Kreativni pogon
Citizens’ association for culture, education and inclusion.
About us
Our focus has been on culture, education and inclusion since 2010. We use the contemporary circus as a basic means of communication and work. We founded the first circus school in Serbia, and are raising and expanding awareness of culture in small, undeveloped environments.

Our project idea DIVERSITY STRENGTHENS US was supported within the Culture for Democracy project of the Hartefakt Foundation.
The main goal of the project is the development of critical thinking and raising children’s awareness of the importance of affirming cultural diversity, but also drawing public attention to the position and needs of national minorities.
The participants of the Cirkoneo circus school, who speak the language of the modern circus, through their performance and discussion influence the development of critical thinking and the reduction of prejudices, above all, among peers and audiences of all ages. This new format, playing performance ant talking with audience contributes to the development of critical thinking, reducing prejudices about members of minority groups, influencing to decision makers and greater participation in solving the problems of these groups.
The project lasts from 15.03 – 31.12.2023. years
“Culture for Democracy provides support to the independent cultural scene in Serbia that, using culture and art, encourages critical and creative thinking about social issues that are important to local communities. Also, the CFD project encourages the cooperation of actors on the independent cultural scene, thereby creating space for the promotion of pluralistic values and intercultural dialogue in Serbia. The first phase of the project lasts from October 2021 to February 2025 and is supported by the Government of Switzerland and implemented by the Hartefact Fund”
The Circus School’s goal is to contribute to creativity, concentration and healthy psychophysical growth of our children. It is a place where every child is equally important and is allowed to prosper in accordance with their capabilities.

The K3 Project
The aim of the K3 Project is to start up culture clubs in undeveloped, rural areas by encouraging the local community to participate in activism. With our professional help and your donations, the local population is given the opportunity to reconstruct objects of great social significance.
on us
“Circoneo – where love, happiness and joy live.”
Darinka Utornik
“People are tired of this destructive circus that we have been living in for years… we all need the real one.”
Sanja Medić
“The circus is the only thing we cry for when it’s gone. My daughter Polja would like to live in the hall itself!”
Julia Markova

Kreativni pogon (Creative drive) invites you
To develop your skills through fun and games, in an environment of your choice! All supported by our innovative development programmes for teams in business systems and for your children.
Our methods combine creative physical engagement (through various circus skills) and encourage mental harmony using artistic elements of acting, dance and music.
This modern form strengthens mental and physical coordination, relieves stress and helps participants get ready for facing daily challenges.